Showing posts from June, 2020Show all
C program to find occurrence of number in Array using DMA.
C program to delete element of particular position in Array.
C program to insert an element at particular position.
C program to print Floyd's Triangle.
C program to calculate GCD.
C program for Matrix Addition.
C program to check whether given number is binary or not.
C program to find first occurrence of any character.
C program to calculate Area of all shapes using Function.
C program for counting Occurrence of any character in given String.
C program for Creating below pattern.
C program to find all Binary Numbers between given range.
C program to change Uppercase String to Lowercase String without using built-in function.
C program to sort elements of Array in Ascending order using DMA.....(Using pointers).
C program to calculate sum of all elements of Matrix.
C program to calculate total number of Words.
C program to calculate all Uppercase, Lowercase,digits and Symbols in given String.
C program to find largest and Smallest element enterd in MATRIX.